Team Working | Michael Beale

Team Working Case Study - Michael Beale


A small but successful systems integrator (turnover circa £5m) had recently employed a youngish general manager, 26 to run the day to day business for the managing director / owner. His direct reports were significantly older,35-55 and considered themselves to be more experienced.

After nine months sales and revenues were slightly below budget,-5% and not showing any real indication of rising and his team weren’t responding to the challenge with enthusiasm. While there were grumblings nobody had left.

The general manager was frustrated and concerned that the managing director was beginning to question whether he was the right person for the role.


To significantly improve the teams motivation leading to increased revenue and profit. The motivation would be measured by simply asking individual team members to give a before and after motivation score. The revenue figures would be based on company audited revenue figures and asking individual team members for the reasons for the increase.


The coach initially held a coaching session with the team, without the general manager being present. This was to facilitate an improvement the team’s motivation, communication and sales skills. In addition it was to see if the coach could successfully work with the team.

Having successfully worked with the team (the team gave good feedback to the general manager) and understood their issues and capabilities the coach worked out a series of future actions with the general manager. These included:

1) Helping the general manager clarify and be able to articulate exactly what he expected from the team and what in turn he would do for them

2) Coaching the manager to hold a team meeting where he said what he wanted, what he the was prepared to do for them , and where they could say what they wanted and how they felt – and while he would necessarily accept it he would listen to their views

3) A short development plan was put in place for the individual team members in line with their objectives.


The team meeting in 2) above was held and was a fairly ‘expressive’ and while one team member decided to leave shortly after, team motivation improved significantly.

The individuals’ development plan led to some significant improvement in both capability and confidence.

Revenue increases to above budget with three months +5% This was attributed partly to the interventions discussed above and partly due to a new unexpected order.

And So?

The general manager’s position was established, revenue continued to increase and the general manager accepted the benefit of external intervention when specifically needed.

Michael Beale on the Executive Coaching Network.