30 Day Leadership Plan | Michael Beale

30 Day Leadership Plan 


Michael's client was an identified fast track manager in a global telecommunications company whose career had got temporarily stuck. He had a production and technical background and had been offered a position as a commercial manager in a highly political division. His research indicated that most newly appointed managers in this  division failed.


The agreed objectives were to:

1) Develop a 30 day plan to succeed in this environment
2) To address some of the clients previously identified development areas
3) To develop an approach that the client could develop to use in whenever he took new leadership positions in the future


Michael held ten video coaching sessions with the client to

Develop his plan, particularly
  1. His values in this role, what he wanted to achieve and what he was and wasn't prepared to do to achieve them
  2. His key stakeholders and their likely desires, opportunities and challenges
  3. What resources he had available, and who he could ask for advice
  4. A  plan as how to approach and develop a relationship with  key stakeholders.
  5. An agreed feedback approach with specific stakeholders
  6. Identify 6 short term and 6 long term 'wins' for both the client and the organisation
Rehearse and future pace aspects of the plan

Review each key meeting, updating the plan when required

Coach his client to be able do this on his own 


For the first time the client had a fully thought out approach to his new role taking account of the people, financial and technical aspects.. This gave him both the confidence and competence to approach his first 30 days in a professional manager.

He has successfully completed his first three months and is one of the few new managers within the division to create a very positive impression within that time, and has put in place the foundations to achieve excellent financial results.

So What

The client has achieved the objectives set and has developed the inner confidence and capabilities to drive his career to the next levels.

Michael Beale is a leading member of the Executive Coaching Network. You can see Michael's profile on the Executive Coaching Network.